Joy Home

Welcome to ButterflyJOY

An ordinary girl’s reflections on finding joy in the extraordinary journey of life


ButterflyJOY is an ordinary girl’s reflections on finding joy in the extraordinary journey of life…….. the daily adventure of transformation, and growth as  through my failings, learnings, and faith steps I discover daily the life He has planned for me…….. A life of LOVE, LIGHT, and JOY……… join me in this JOY Journey……. looking forward to sharing the adventure with you!


ButterflyJOY is an ordinary girl’s reflections on finding joy in the extraordinary journey of life…….. the daily adventure of transformation, and growth as  through my failings, learnings, and faith steps I discover daily the life He has planned for me…….. A life of LOVE, LIGHT, and JOY……… join me in this JOY Journey……. looking forward to sharing the adventure with you!

ButterflyJOY Blog

Finding Joy IN Failing

Hello again! I’m back, it’s been a while I know…….I had such great intentions of keeping this blog ball rolling…… I thought once I had finally got brave and actually posted something that the hard part was over. #nottrue I had great intentions of consistently posting my journey of finding joy….. weekly, fortnightly……… with accompanying …


ADDRESS:  ButterflyJOY Journey Headquarters